So I found this old post and asked OP's question myself as I was working on an interface.
From an even older post:
The two functions exist only for convenience and not all of the transformable would need those functions.
@eXpl0it3r: I assume you meant user-defined transformables by that?
Because all derived classes from SFML implement both of them, as far as I can see.
Sure, not every new class would need those, but isn't that also true for scaling, rotating, etc...?
Just because something may not be used does not mean it is useless, especially in this case and be it only for convenience.
I don't see the reason in not providing them in sf::Transformable with returning a FloatRect() by default and letting them override in derived classes if desired.
Yes it has no size -> so it has a zero area rect, right? At least it should not matter.
That being said, it is not really a problem, you can always implement them yourself ofc, I just asked out of curiousity as I only agree partly with the already provided explanations.