This is similar to the topic found here: where I can push back an sf::text and get a my classes, that is. But it's even worse in main, where I get an error i can't even properly describe off the top of my head (it's in the attachment) and I've been running this project for nearly a year now, so unfortunately the error isn't caused by something as simple as mixing libraries.
What I BELIEVE is the issue is that some kind of file is corrupted. But I do not like operating off of believes, not with software at least. I'm trying not to move anything until I know for sure what's really going on here.
FYI, after the BSOD I had Windows 10 "reset", which removed all apps but kept the files. I reinstalled Visual Studio and when I opened the project all of my linking information was still intact, as was the folder where everything was kept.
And yes, there were external backups. Seven to be specific, I tried three others(2 off USB the other an exHDD) and they are undergoing the same issue.
Is my only choice to reinstall again and get a new set of SFML modules here?