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Author Topic: UDP Packets for Player Position  (Read 1400 times)

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UDP Packets for Player Position
« on: November 30, 2019, 05:11:25 pm »
I am currently working on SpaceInvaders with the ability for a second executable to act as client as watch me play.

I am following tutorials and documentation online to get UDP packets working to send positional updates for my spaceship. I am getting the error failed to read from player data packet! when client connects. This is what I have so far -

void createUdpServer(unsigned short port) { // send data to client
   // Create a socket to receive a message from anyone
   sf::UdpSocket socket;
   sf::IpAddress local = sf::IpAddress::getLocalAddress(); // Currently localhost
   sf::IpAddress receiver = sf::IpAddress::getLocalAddress();
   // I was figuring out and arranging according to example.. set socket non blocking

   // Listen to messages on the specified port
   if (socket.bind(port) != sf::Socket::Done) // You bind once
   std::cout << "Server is listening to port " << port << ", waiting for a connection... " << std::endl;
   // Wait for a message
   char in[128];
   std::size_t received;
   sf::IpAddress sender;
   //unsigned short senderPort; we will be receiving and sending data on sa,e port
   sf::SocketSelector selector;

   if (selector.wait(sf::milliseconds(10.f))) { // times out after 10ms
      if (selector.isReady(socket)) {
         if (socket.receive(in, sizeof(in), received, sender, port) != sf::Socket::Done) // blocking
         std::cout << "Message received from client " << sender << ": \"" << in << "\"" << std::endl;
   // Sends connection established to client
   const char out[] = "Connection with server established!";
   if (socket.send(out, sizeof(out), sender, port) != sf::Socket::Done)
   // acknowledgement of packets
   float playerXPosition = player->getPosition().x;
   float playerYPosition = player->getPosition().y;
   sf::Packet playerData;
   playerData << playerXPosition << playerYPosition;

   socket.send(playerData, sender, port);

   //const char out[] = "";
   //if (socket.send(out, sizeof(out), sender, port) != sf::Socket::Done)
   //   return;

void runUdpClient(unsigned short port) { // receive data from server

   // Ask for the server address
   server = "";
   if (server == sf::IpAddress::None)
      std::cout << "Type the address or name of the server to connect to: ";
      std::cin >> server;
   } while (server != sf::IpAddress::None);
   // Create a socket for communicating with the server
   sf::UdpSocket socket;

   sf::IpAddress recipient = sf::IpAddress::getLocalAddress();
   char data[100] = "Connection with client established!";

   if (socket.send(data, 100, server, port) != sf::Socket::Done)
      // error...

   // Think about putting this globally
   sf::SocketSelector selector;

   if (selector.wait(sf::seconds(0.1f))) { // not enough time for server to be created with 0.1f

      // received something
      if (selector.isReady(socket)) {

         // Wait for a message
         char in[128];
         std::size_t received;
         sf::IpAddress sender;
         sf::Packet playerData;
         float playerXPosition;
         float playerYPosition;
         socket.receive(playerData, sender, port);
         if (playerData >> playerXPosition && playerData >> playerYPosition) { // if you are able to read
            player->setPosition(playerXPosition, playerYPosition);
         else {
            std::cout << "Error - failed to read from player data packet!" << std::endl;
         //unsigned short senderPort;
         //if (socket.receive(in, sizeof(in), received, sender, port) != sf::Socket::Done)
         //   return;
         //std::cout << "Message received from server " << sender << ": \"" << in << "\"" << std::endl;
      // this shouldn't be here, receive stuff should go on client, server just sends
   else {

      // timeout reached, nothing was received

   // prediction
   // bullet


I am instancing the player in both client and server. The position of the player is controlled by the keyboard, in client it should receive updates from the server and move accordingly from x and y values.


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Re: UDP Packets for Player Position
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2019, 05:37:30 pm »
Update, code actually works as when I move spaceship I also see spaceship move on the client.

I do not understand why I keep seeing the error that it failed to read from player data  packet.

Is this because there is not data to read? No data is being sent? I am sending data constantly from the other server/ player controlled spaceship as you can see from the first method


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Re: UDP Packets for Player Position
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2019, 05:15:15 pm »
Receiving less error messages when timeout check is increased - solved

