I know there is a lot of topics with the same question, but I can't find something that can help me.
I'm on Win10, and I installed Debian from MS.
I installed make, cmake, gcc, (clang to test some things), SDL2, SFML (2.5.1), glm, OpenGL (freeglut etc...).
I clone this repo:
https://github.com/Hopson97/MineCraft-One-Week-Challengewith git ssh. Then I followed what's written in the README.md:
- sh scripts/build.sh release
- sh scripts/run.sh release
All is compiling, and when I execute, the program is saying to me to press Enter, ok, but when it must load the game (create window etc...) I get this:
============Press enter to begin ============
Loading game...
Failed to enable udev monitor, joystick connections and disconnections won't be notified: -22
Warning: The created OpenGL context does not fully meet the settings that were requested
Requested: version = 3.3 ; depth bits = 24 ; stencil bits = 8 ; AA level = 0 ; core = false ; debug = false ; sRGB = false
Created: version = 0.0 ; depth bits = 24 ; stencil bits = 8 ; AA level = 0 ; core = false ; debug = false ; sRGB = false
Setting vertical sync failed
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
What must I do ?