To clarify a little the terms first:
pixels: the actual pixels on the display*.
co-ords: the positions within the view; the values you wish to represent each part of the window (these can be almost any arbitrary).
When you set a position or do anything in the graphics module, you are specifying the co-ords. These, later get converted to pixels when displaying on the display.
The mouse position, however, (and also things like the position or size of the window) are
always in pixels.
Remember that co-ords is relative to the window but the window is relative to pixels.
If your view is the default one for the window, the co-ords will match the pixels, especially if you "reveal more when resizing the window", although co-ords can specify fractions of a pixel (in that case) whereas pixels cannot (which is why pixels are integers and co-ords are floats).
An extreme (but not too complicated) example would be:
creating a window size of 800 x 600 (pixels),
setting its view to a size of 1 x 1 (co-ords).
This means that all positions in co-ords (stuff you draw, for example) will be between 0 and 1 both horizontally and vertically and the centre of the window would be (0.5, 0.5). e.g. top-left would be (0, 0), top-right would be (1, 0), bottom-right would be (1, 1) and bottom-left would be (0, 1).
If your mouse was exactly in the centre of the window, it's position would be in pixels (400, 300) e.g. half of the window size in pixels.
Converting those pixels to co-ords (using mapPixelsToCoords) would give you (0.5, 0.5) instead, which is the centre within the view (as mentioned above).
If you want to draw something at the centre of the window, which is where the mouse is in this example, you would set it's position to (0.5, 0.5) - the view co-ords. If you set it the values in the pixel position, it would still set it using the co-ordinate system of the view and, with 1 being the width of the window in co-ords, 300 would be 300 window widths!
Converting co-ords to pixels is argueably less common but is not completely useless. However, it's you'd need to fully understand all this view stuff first before you'd think of a reason you'd need it
* this may be affected by DPI settings.