I was trying to compile a static version of SFML with CMake for Visual Studio 2019, I think I followed the tutorial (
https://www.sfml-dev.org/tutorials/2.5/compile-with-cmake.php) correctly. The problem is that once I open the CMake generated solution to finally build SFML, I see that I cannot switch the solution configuration to x86, thus preventing me to build SFML in 32-bits.
Here are all the steps I did to compile SFML with CMake:
Firstly, I downloaded the SFML source code,
then, I opened CMake, chose the SFML file as source code and a build folder to put built files into.
Then, I clicked on configure, chose Visual studio 16 2019 as generator, and clicked on finish.
Once the configuring done, I unchecked BUILD_SHARED_LIBS, checked SFML_USE_STATIC_STD_LIBS, clicked on configure, then generate. Once everything is done, I clicked on the Open_Project button which opens the generated Visual Studio solution.
And there is the issue: I cannot switch the project's configuration to something else than x64...
What did I do wrong?