I have this struct containing a sprite and a texture:
struct Layer
Layer(const char* _path, sf::View& view) : deviation{ 0.0f }, mod{ 1 } {
scale = { view.getSize().y / txtr.getSize().y ,
view.getSize().y / txtr.getSize().y };
sf::Vector2f pos(view.getCenter().x - view.getSize().x, view.getCenter().y + view.getSize().y / 2);
sf::Vector2f sprdim(txtr.getSize().x* scale.x, txtr.getSize().y* scale.y);
spr.setOrigin({0.0f, sprdim.y});
spr.setTextureRect({ 0, 0, static_cast<int>(txtr.getSize().x),
static_cast<int>(txtr.getSize().y) });
sf::Vector2f scale;
sf::Sprite spr;
sf::Texture txtr;
float deviation;
unsigned mod;
Then I made a vector of 'Layer' in the following class:
class Parallax {
std::vector<Layer> layers;
sf::Sprite sprite;//test
sf::Texture t;
Player player;
float deviation = 0.0f;
float speed = 0.5f;
unsigned mod = 1;
bool canMove;
void Init(Player& player, sf::View& view);
void Update(const float& dt, sf::View& view);
void Draw(sf::RenderTarget& target);
And lastly, the definition:
#include "Parallax.h"
void Parallax::Init(Player& player, sf::View& view) {
this->player = player;
//Further-most layers added first
layers.push_back(Layer("Res/Textures/Parallax/glacial_mountains.png", view));
void Parallax::Update(const float& dt, sf::View& view) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < layers.size(); i++) {
if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::A) && player.canMoveLeft) {
layers.at(i).deviation += this->speed * i * dt;
this->canMove = true;
else if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::D) && player.canMoveRight) {
layers.at(i).deviation -= this->speed * i * dt;
this->canMove = true;
else this->canMove = false;
if (canMove) layers.at(i).spr.move(deviation * dt, 0.0f);
sf::Vector2f sprpos(layers.at(i).spr.getPosition());
sf::Vector2f sprdim(layers.at(i).txtr.getSize().x * layers.at(i).spr.getScale().x,
layers.at(i).txtr.getSize().y * layers.at(i).spr.getScale().y);
if (sprpos.x + sprdim.x < view.getCenter().x + view.getSize().x / 2) {
layers.at(i).spr.setTextureRect({ 0, 0, static_cast<int>(layers.at(i).txtr.getSize().x * layers.at(i).mod),
static_cast<int>(layers.at(i).txtr.getSize().y) });
void Parallax::Draw(sf::RenderTarget& target) {
for (auto& i : this->layers) target.draw(i.spr);
I don't understand how that could possibly lose the pointer to its texture, since the texture itself is not a temporary variable. Maybe it's some dumb mistake that I'm making, but I can't really see it.
I tried pinting
std::cout << sprite.getTexture() << "\n";
and the texture's memory address was outputted just fine. Any ideas to what might be causing this?