Hello, I am having a bit of a mid-project crisis. I am trying to make a simple GUI library that I can use for future projects. I recklessly hurtled along implementing the first ideas that came to mind. For the most part it worked out. Buttons work, Labels work, Panels, well Panels exist...
Currently I have panels implemented as a nine slice. Longer panel? Just add another middle sprite and watch as those corners don't become stretched and blurry! In my hurried hubris I failed to consider a common use case, what If the user (me really) wants custom sized panels. Uh oh, they're restricted to sizes that are multiples of each texture size (assuming you want the details of the texture to be a certain size).
I can't seem to come up with a satisfactory solution, and I was hoping someone here could give me some inspiration / point me to a relevant tutorial or something.
ps, as far as I can tell, this is an appropriate place to post this, but my sincere apologies if not...