OK forgive the basic question but I've done this to death and I'm ready to rage quit.
All I wanted was to get into coding C++ and use a library to render to screen, simple hello world stuff
I've been here for days, read the tutorials, the wiki, the README, the forum, Google, Youtube ect,ect.
What I'm using:
Windows 10 Home x64
VScode 2022
MSCV v19.32 (lib.exe, cl.exe, link.exe)
CMake Tools (code plugin) v1.11
SFML v3.0 (github master)
Nmake v14.32
What I tried:
1. Go to SFML/Downloads > Download a Visual c++ 2017 windows package > add to project
1.a add "includePath": ["${workspaceFolder}/lib/**"], to c_cpp_properties.json (VScode can see SFML/Graphics.hpp)
1.b Pass SFML/include & sfml-graphics.lib, sfml-windows.lib, sfml-system.lib to cl.exe in tasks.json
1.c Add .dll files to src folder
Run cl.exe compiler
>Linker error (I tried multiple flags, passing to compiler and linker multiple ways, no luck)
I assume this is because of compiler mismatch. website states: compiler versions have to match 100%!
2. git clone SFML (master) -> into Project_dir/lib/SFML_source
2.a run cmake -S ./SFML_source -B ./SFML_build -G"NMake Makefiles"
2.b run cmake --build ./SFML_build --config Release
2.c run nmake all
what I'm left with is a mess of files, a bunch of directories, a bunch of .obj files, the /lib with the sfml-graphics.lib etc
but no header files? VScode can not find SFML/Graphics.hpp..
what have I done wrong?
what next?