Here's a little one I made.
Let's say the window and the background texture are 1920x1080.
It uses a single sprite of the background set to 3 times the width of the texture (so it repeats 3 times).
It then snaps the sprite to positions that are multiples of the width (1920). So as the camera pans to the side, the background will ocassionally jump 1920 pixels so it's always filling the window.
It can actually be done with a 2 time repeating texture, but handling -X positions becomes a little trickier, so I just used 3 repeats.
Some code fragments
// Make a sprite with the background texture like normal.
// Then set it like this:
sf::Vector2u texSize = tex->getSize();
sprite->setTextureRect(sf::IntRect(sf::Vector2i(0, 0), sf::Vector2i(texSize.x * 3, texSize.y)));
// Later in your rendering code do this:
sf::View view = window.getView();
sf::Vector2f pos = view.getCenter() - view.getSize() * 0.5f; // Find top left corner of the view
pos.x = int(pos.x / texSize.x) * int(texSize.x)-int(texSize.x); // Snap the X coord to multiples of width
Or if I was doing it for myself, I'd probably do a shader version.