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Author Topic: Not able to create "SFML App" on Mac OS X, only "SFML CLT"  (Read 818 times)

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Not able to create "SFML App" on Mac OS X, only "SFML CLT"
« on: September 24, 2023, 12:52:05 am »
I followed the tutorial instructions for v2.60 at:
-+- https://www.sfml-dev.org/tutorials/2.6/start-osx.php
This is the first time I have installed SFML on Xcode.

First of all, I ran into one issue that I think I resolved. The tutorial said to copy the =contents= of a folder called "templates" into "~/Library/Developer/Xcode/Templates", which consisted of a single folder called "SFML". However, there was no folder of that name (no folder called "templates"), contained in the folder I got from this website (specifically the download folder "SFML-2.6.0-macos-clang-64-bit" generated by decompressing "SFML-2.6.0-macOS-clang-64-bit.tar.gz" that I downloaded). If it helps, I am using an Intel Mac with OS 12.0.1 and XCode 13.1.

I think I solved this by downloading the source (same version, 2.6) and searching for a folder called "templates" inside it. My search program found exactly one, and it did contain only one folder called "SFML", so I used this to complete the instructions.

The problem I am having is that, while XCode has indeed "SFML CLT" as a type of project to be created, there is no option for creating an "SFML App". Is this because I used the source to get the templates folder? This makes sense since the source is cross-platform and not just Mac OS X.

If this is the problem, would someone please provide me with a place where I can download the folder I need, or else explain how else I can do a regular bundle app (not CLT)?

I did check the templates folder and 6 templates were subdirectories, including one for both "SFML CLI" and "SFML App".

Please explain to me how I can get this working as quickly as possible. I need to create a regular bundle app for an assignment.

Thanks for any help,


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Re: Not able to create "SFML App" on Mac OS X, only "SFML CLT"
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2023, 01:20:22 am »
I found this post, suggesting that there are problems in SFML 2.5's template with XCode 12-13 that prevent compiling:
"I tried to build the project directly after creating it and got a bunch of linker errors and other shenanigans."

I downloaded 2.5.1 out of curiosity. It turns out that it *does* have  a templates folder.

Please don't tell me that SFML just got rid of Xcode templates in the new version 2.6. That would  be very disappointing since the tutorial depends on it.

Either way, how can I proceed to create an app bundle on a system with my configuration? Hopefully it is possible somehow.

See original post for my configuration


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Re: Not able to create "SFML App" on Mac OS X, only "SFML CLT"
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2023, 02:08:49 am »

I copied the template's code+resource files into an Eclipse project and got it working.

This question is not as urgent to me anymore, but the fact that the templates don't work on XCode 13.1 could be looked into.

