Hi there.
I am currently trying to adapt SFML for rendering with EGL on raspberry, and it requires OpenGL ES
which are supported by SFML, but there's a small nuance:
- its initializing it in different way, than in other example that using DRM mode for creating context..
Basically with SFML the OpenGL ES gives me this:
OpenGL ES 2.x information:
version: "2.1 Mesa 20.3.5"
shading language version: "1.20"
vendor: "Broadcom"
renderer: "V3D 4.2"
But with kmscube example, i have this:
OpenGL ES 2.x information:
version: "OpenGL ES 3.1 Mesa 20.3.5"
shading language version: "OpenGL ES GLSL ES 3.10"
vendor: "Broadcom"
renderer: "V3D 4.2"
This is of course unfortunate, that when creating context using SFML library i cannot get 3.1 feature set.
So, my question whether it is possible to "extend" SFML library by providing own custom implementation of WindowImpl,
which will create & initialize system resources in proper way.
I don't wanna hack inside the library itself, is there a clean way to do that at all?
I would like to have something like that:
class MyWindowImpl : ....
class MyContextImpl : ...
int main() {
sf::RenderWindow<MyWindowImpl, MyContextImpl> myWindow( ... );
Is there a way how to do that without hacking the library source code itself?
If so, it would be nice if you can provide some guidance.
Because i found it is determining WindowImpl in the library itself, and it is nailed down to platform-specific ifdefs..
for context:
#elif defined(SFML_OPENGL_ES)
#include <SFML/Window/EglContext.hpp>
using ContextType = sf::priv::EglContext;
and similarly for window:
#if defined(SFML_USE_DRM)
#include <SFML/Window/DRM/WindowImplDRM.hpp>
using WindowImplType = sf::priv::WindowImplDRM;
It would be nice to make it extensible, i.e.
using template arguments for specific context and window implementation class, and provide the above configuration
as a convenient defaults, but in case, like mine, for those who would like to create/initialize context & window using own way,
provide own implementation..
How hard it would be to do ?