I'm using the code somebody has kindly written for us on the wiki (
link), and am having trouble with the collisions. I'm trying to get the collision between two squares, yet using both BoundingBox and PixelPerfect collision tests, the rectangle always seems move a few pixels into the box.
if(Collision::PixelPerfectTest(sprite, collidables[i]))
sprite.SetPosition(sprite.GetPosition().x + 100 * time_step, sprite.GetPosition().y); //move back to original position
while(Collision::PixelPerfectTest(sprite, collidables[collided_with]))
sprite.SetPosition(sprite.GetPosition().x - 1, sprite.GetPosition().y);
Before this code I move the player by -100, then test collision, if there is a collision I move it +100 to it's original position and loop through moving one pixel at a time, testing collision at each. Yet as it stops they just intersect slightly. Why does this happen?