I can post the code a little later.
What I mean that I don't get textEntered event in other layouts if the letter is not present in english asci code.
But it works if I compile for desktop. So I assumed the issue has to be with Android.
So here I see if the event is from Keyboard.
On Ubuntu on non english layout I get
sf::Event::TextEntered event with correct unicode that I can parse into right letter.
On Android on non english layout I get
sf::Event::KeyReleased event with _ev.key.code = -1, if I press any of non latin symbols.
so if the layout still has some latin chars like "abcde" all works, but if I press any of "абвгд" it will only trigger KeyReleased.
void TextInput::OnSFMLEvent(sf::Event const& _ev)
if (_ev.type == sf::Event::KeyReleased)
*** handle Enter / Backspace ***
else if (_ev.type == sf::Event::TextEntered)
*** handle unicode ***