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Author Topic: SFML 3 and Android, full black screen and gl erros  (Read 1161 times)

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SFML 3 and Android, full black screen and gl erros
« on: March 09, 2025, 02:32:27 pm »
I use SFML 3 on Android iwth ndk26
All I see is a black screen on an app that used to be fine in SFML 2.6
In logs, there are some errors:
Just once:
Code: [Select]
03-09 13:59:04.560 29307 29351 E libEGL  : call to OpenGL ES API with no current context (logged once per thread)
03-09 13:59:04.560 29307 29351 I sfml-error: Warning: The created OpenGL context does not fully meet the settings that were requested
03-09 13:59:04.560 29307 29351 I sfml-error: Requested: version = 1.1 ; depth bits = 0 ; stencil bits = 0 ; AA level = 0 ; core = false ; debug = false ; sRGB = false
03-09 13:59:04.560 29307 29351 I sfml-error: Created: version = 0.0 ; depth bits = 0 ; stencil bits = 0 ; AA level = 0 ; core = false ; debug = false ; sRGB = false
03-09 13:59:04.560 29307 29351 I sfml-error: Failed to activate the window's context
03-09 13:59:04.560 29307 29351 I sfml-error: Failed to activate the window's context
03-09 13:59:04.560 29307 29351 I sfml-error: Failed to set window as active during initialization
03-09 13:59:04.569 29307 29351 I sfml-error: Failed to activate the window's context
Then multiple times:
Code: [Select]
03-09 13:59:04.803 29307 29351 I sfml-error: An internal OpenGL call failed in "RenderTarget.cpp"(1088).
03-09 13:59:04.803 29307 29351 I sfml-error: Expression:
03-09 13:59:04.803 29307 29351 I sfml-error:    glDrawArrays(mode, static_cast<GLint>(firstVertex), static_cast<GLsizei>(vertexCount))
03-09 13:59:04.803 29307 29351 I sfml-error: Error description:
03-09 13:59:04.803 29307 29351 I sfml-error:    GL_INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION
03-09 13:59:04.803 29307 29351 I sfml-error:    The object bound to FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING is not "framebuffer complete".
03-09 13:59:04.803 29307 29351 I sfml-error:

I use the famous TGUI lib for the GUI, Im not sure whether the problem could come from the underlying sfml calls (I think it's just calling drawVertexArray)

I also had a crash on the RenderTexture resize method:
Code: [Select]
03-09 13:59:11.351 29415 29415 F DEBUG   : backtrace:
03-09 13:59:11.351 29415 29415 F DEBUG   :       #00 pc ffb98027e9f94015  <unknown>
03-09 13:59:11.351 29415 29415 F DEBUG   :       #01 pc 00000000000e2004  /data/app/~~mQVWED31JEDG77rm9QaZNQ==/com.you.fc2-cenX4YkRloTjCjrh9dih3Q==/lib/arm64/libsfml-graphics-d.so (sf::RenderTarget::initialize()+72) (BuildId: b263b7b841c29024d7bb89e56e586e1fc4ceb0bb)
03-09 13:59:11.351 29415 29415 F DEBUG   :       #02 pc 00000000000dc36c  /data/app/~~mQVWED31JEDG77rm9QaZNQ==/com.you.fc2-cenX4YkRloTjCjrh9dih3Q==/lib/arm64/libsfml-graphics-d.so (sf::RenderTexture::resize(sf::Vector2<unsigned int>, sf::ContextSettings const&)+316) (BuildId: b263b7b841c29024d7bb89e56e586e1fc4ceb0bb)
03-09 13:59:11.351 29415 29415 F DEBUG   :       #03 pc 0000000001a881e0  /data/app/~~mQVWED31JEDG77rm9QaZNQ==/com.you.fc2-cenX4YkRloTjCjrh9dih3Q==/lib/arm64/libfc.so (SceneBase::loadVariables()+468) (BuildId: 83b20fc23894a7b431d415d6c1fc0241a8ce75a5)

This is how I built and installed SFML and TGUI:
Code: [Select]
mkdir -p "$downloadPath"
cd "$downloadPath" || exit 1



# cd /home/me/Desktop/dev/libs/SFML_fork_gles2 || exit 1
cd /home/me/Desktop/dev/FactoryCapi/client/external_deps/SFML || exit 1
mkdir -p build_android
cd build_android || exit 1

cmake --build . --target all
cmake --install .


cd $downloadPath/TGUI || exit 1
mkdir -p build_android
cd build_android || exit 1

cmake --build .
cmake --install .

Do you see any mistake here ? If not, I'll investigate further in my codebase
Thank you


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Re: SFML 3 and Android, full black screen and gl erros
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2025, 08:47:04 am »
Is this the official SFML code base or are you using some GLES2 fork? Make sure you don't reference any headers of some fork anymore.

Can you try a minimal example, e.g. just a window and some circle or similar?
And/or post the code that causes issue?

From the error it seems that the OpenGL context creation fails. All the other errors are just follow up errors from that.
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Re: SFML 3 and Android, full black screen and gl erros
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2025, 07:22:33 pm »
Indeed there were a mismatch in libs, now it is rendering properly, thank you.

however, I still have these error messages:
Code: [Select]
03-10 18:45:52.361 18671 18722 E libEGL  : call to OpenGL ES API with no current context (logged once per thread)
03-10 18:45:52.362 18671 18722 I sfml-error: Warning: The created OpenGL context does not fully meet the settings that were requested
03-10 18:45:52.362 18671 18722 I sfml-error: Requested: version = 1.1 ; depth bits = 0 ; stencil bits = 0 ; AA level = 0 ; core = false ; debug = false ; sRGB = false
03-10 18:45:52.362 18671 18722 I sfml-error: Created: version = 0.0 ; depth bits = 0 ; stencil bits = 0 ; AA level = 0 ; core = false ; debug = false ; sRGB = false
03-10 18:45:52.362 18671 18722 I sfml-error: Failed to activate the window's context
03-10 18:45:52.362 18671 18722 I sfml-error: Failed to activate the window's context
03-10 18:45:52.362 18671 18722 I sfml-error: Failed to set window as active during initialization
03-10 18:45:52.373 18671 18722 I sfml-error: Failed to activate the window's context
I remember already having them in previous version.
I don't think I wrongly init my render window
Code: [Select]
m_renderWindow(sf::VideoMode::getFullscreenModes()[0], "name", sf::State::Fullscreen)


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Re: SFML 3 and Android, full black screen and gl erros
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2025, 01:06:12 pm »
Are you doing this at a global scope or in a separate thread?
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Re: SFML 3 and Android, full black screen and gl erros
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2025, 06:42:40 pm »
Same error with the example code:
Code: [Select]
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>

int main()
    sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode({200, 200}), "SFML works!");
    sf::CircleShape shape(100.f);

    while (window.isOpen())
        while (const std::optional event = window.pollEvent())
            if (event->is<sf::Event::Closed>())


Code: [Select]
03-11 18:38:57.821 29379 29463 E libEGL  : call to OpenGL ES API with no current context (logged once per thread)
03-11 18:38:57.821 29379 29463 I sfml-error: Warning: The created OpenGL context does not fully meet the settings that were requested
03-11 18:38:57.822 29379 29463 I sfml-error: Requested: version = 1.1 ; depth bits = 0 ; stencil bits = 0 ; AA level = 0 ; core = false ; debug = false ; sRGB = false
03-11 18:38:57.822 29379 29463 I sfml-error: Created: version = 0.0 ; depth bits = 0 ; stencil bits = 0 ; AA level = 0 ; core = false ; debug = false ; sRGB = false
03-11 18:38:57.822 29379 29463 I sfml-error: Failed to activate the window's context
03-11 18:38:57.822 29379 29463 I sfml-error: Failed to activate the window's context
03-11 18:38:57.822 29379 29463 I sfml-error: Failed to set window as active during initialization
Followed by this error message in loop
Code: [Select]
03-11 18:38:57.822 29379 29463 I sfml-error: Failed to activate the window's context
But everything is rendered normally

