//topic hijacking in progressOk, can't you just update the 1.6 version with the fix or something?
I would have to make a new release with a new version number. It's not that easy, actually.
Ease it, actually. Postponing trivial but annoying bugfixes to the next major
API destroyer release because of the version number incrementation toughness is ludicrous, and I am sure you're ashamed of it. Please find a way to drop this ball and chain and free the 1.6.01-oopsireleasedtooearly version number.
I'm currently thinking about releasing SFML 2.0 "soon", a lot of planned features can be added in a future minor release of SFML 2.
Is the API rock-hard enough to survive the whole sfml2 branch lifetime ? I'll never stop bothering you with this, hacking from time to time inside the python binding because of an API break from GetSize to GetBounds is bearable in the early stages of a major release, but thereafter should not happen 'till the next one (instead, you should provide a deprecation mechanism).
This may be a bearable annoyance for windows developers which are used to ship third-part libraries with their software and can stick to an obsolete version, but linux developers heavily rely on libraries shipped with the system. Breaking every six month populates distros with incompatible (hear unreliable) versions of the lib. This is a killer.
Plus, I lost the count of every API-breaking changes between sfml1 and sfml2, will there be a list of every deprecated (yet pruned) symbols and functions ?
Apart of this you're doing
great job as usual, and I feel guilt for such a harsh posting. Keep up the good work !