Here is the scrolling function:
void Map::Scroll(float delta_x, float delta_y)
//store the old scroll offsets, so we can compare after bounds-checking
int offset_x = (int)scroll_offset_x;
int offset_y = (int)scroll_offset_y;
scroll_offset_x += delta_x;
scroll_offset_y += delta_y;
//bounds check
if(scroll_offset_x < 0.f) scroll_offset_x = 0.f;
if(scroll_offset_y < 0.f) scroll_offset_y = 0.f;
if(scroll_offset_x > ((cols * cell_width) - (num_tiles_across_screen * cell_width)) )
scroll_offset_x = (float)((cols * cell_width) - (num_tiles_across_screen * cell_width));
if(scroll_offset_y > ((rows * cell_height) - (num_tiles_down_screen * cell_height)) )
scroll_offset_y = (float)((rows * cell_height) - (num_tiles_down_screen * cell_height));
//our world scroll coords are now updated, so go on to adjust our off-screen buffer
//first, calculate how much we actually scrolled by
offset_x = (int)scroll_offset_x - offset_x;
offset_y = (int)scroll_offset_y - offset_y;
//instead of recaculculating the buffer scroll offsets like this:
//buffer_scroll_offset_x = scroll_offset_x - (buffer_index_x * cell_width);
//buffer_scroll_offset_y = scroll_offset_y - (buffer_index_y * cell_height);
//...we can just add the integer offsets we previously calculated:
buffer_scroll_offset_y += offset_y;
buffer_scroll_offset_x += offset_x;
//only bother to try and scroll if we actually moved...may not have been allowed to scroll
//because of the bounds checks
//first, do x-axis scrolling
if(offset_x != 0)
//we have actually scrolled the map, but may not have blown the cached tile buffer yet.
//So, we bounds check, to see if we scrolled out of our off-screen buffer
//too far left? update buffer until we are legal
while(buffer_scroll_offset_x < 0)
buffer_scroll_offset_x += cell_width;
//copy columns over, shifted right
sf::IntRect rect2;
rect2.Top = 0;
rect2.Width = cell_width;
rect2.Height = (num_tiles_down_screen + 2) * cell_height;
for(int i = num_tiles_across_screen ; i >= 0 ; --i)
rect2.Left = i*cell_width;
buffer2buffer_sprite->SetPosition((i+1)*cell_width, 0.f);
int yloc;//where the upper left corner of the tile should be drawn
//to the buffer, in pixels
//fill in the new tiles we need, to fill the spot we shifted over from
for(int y = buffer_index_y; y < num_tiles_down_screen + buffer_index_y + 2; ++y)
yloc = ( (y-buffer_index_y) * cell_height);
DrawTile((*map)[buffer_index_x][y], 0, yloc);
//now that all buffer updating is done, render the image
//too far right? update buffer until we are legal
while(buffer_scroll_offset_x > (cell_width * 2))
buffer_scroll_offset_x -= cell_width;
//copy columns over, shifted left
sf::IntRect rect2;
rect2.Top = 0;
rect2.Width = cell_width;
rect2.Height = (num_tiles_down_screen + 2) * cell_height;
for(int i = 1; i < num_tiles_across_screen + 2; ++i)
rect2.Left = i * cell_width;
buffer2buffer_sprite->SetPosition((i-1)*cell_width, 0);
int yloc;//where the upper left corner of the tile should be drawn
//to the buffer, in pixels
//fill in the new tiles we need, to fill the spot we shifted over from
for(int y = buffer_index_y; y < num_tiles_down_screen + buffer_index_y + 2; ++y)
yloc = ( (y-buffer_index_y) * cell_height);
DrawTile((*map)[buffer_index_x+num_tiles_across_screen+1][y], cell_width * (num_tiles_across_screen+1), yloc);
//now that all buffer updating is done, render the image
//we scrolled, so move the buffer sprite copy area
sf::IntRect rect;
rect.Left = buffer_scroll_offset_x;
rect.Top = buffer_scroll_offset_y;
rect.Width = num_tiles_across_screen * cell_width;
rect.Height = num_tiles_down_screen * cell_height;
//secondly, do y-axis scrolling
if(offset_y != 0)
//bounds check, see if we scrolled out of our off-screen buffer
//too far up? update buffer until we are legal
while(buffer_scroll_offset_y < 0)
buffer_scroll_offset_y += cell_height;
//copy rows over, shifted down
sf::IntRect rect2;
rect2.Left = 0;
rect2.Width = (num_tiles_across_screen + 2) * cell_width;
rect2.Height = cell_height;
for(int i = num_tiles_down_screen ; i >= 0 ; --i)
rect2.Top = i*cell_height;
buffer2buffer_sprite->SetPosition(0.f, (i+1) * cell_height);
int xloc;//where the upper left corner of the tile should be drawn
//to the buffer, in pixels
//fill in the new tiles we need, to fill the spot we shifted over from
for(int x = buffer_index_x; x < num_tiles_across_screen + buffer_index_x + 2; ++x)
xloc = ( (x-buffer_index_x) * cell_width);
DrawTile((*map)[x][buffer_index_y], xloc, 0);
//now that all buffer updating is done, render the image
//too far down? update buffer until we are legal
while(buffer_scroll_offset_y > (cell_height * 2))
buffer_scroll_offset_y -= cell_height;
//copy rows over, shifted left
sf::IntRect rect2;
rect2.Left = 0;
rect2.Width = (num_tiles_across_screen + 2) * cell_width;
rect2.Height = cell_height;
for(int i = 1; i < num_tiles_down_screen + 2; ++i)
rect2.Top = i * cell_height;
buffer2buffer_sprite->SetPosition(0, (i-1) * cell_height);
int xloc;//where the upper left corner of the tile should be drawn
//to the buffer, in pixels
//fill in the new tiles we need, to fill the spot we shifted over from
for(int x = buffer_index_x; x < num_tiles_across_screen + buffer_index_x + 2; ++x)
xloc = ( (x-buffer_index_x) * cell_width);
DrawTile((*map)[x][buffer_index_y+num_tiles_down_screen+1], xloc, cell_height * (num_tiles_down_screen+1));
//now that all buffer updating is done, render the image
//we scrolled, so move the buffer sprite copy area
sf::IntRect rect;
rect.Left = buffer_scroll_offset_x;
rect.Top = buffer_scroll_offset_y;
rect.Width = num_tiles_across_screen * cell_width;
rect.Height = num_tiles_down_screen * cell_height;