I'm having some problems with using DSFML with D2.
First I tried the DSGFML from the Download page but got some error regarding thread.d. So I presumed that the they were not compatibly with D2(?).
My second try was compiling the DSFML2 from the svn. First I downloaded
http://sfml.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/sfml/branches/sfml2/bindings/d/ and then ran "dsss build" and got these errors:
C:\D\dmd2\src\ext\DSFML\import>dsss build
Creating imports for dsfml-audio
Creating imports for dsfml-network
Creating imports for dsfml-graphics
Creating imports for dsfml-system
Creating imports for dsfml-window
dsfml\audio => dsfml-audio
dsfml\system\alloc.d(35): module memory cannot read file 'core\memory
Command C:\dsss\bin\rebuild.exe returned with code 1, aborting.
Error: Command failed, aborting.
Someone out there who can guide me?
Thanks in advance for the help.
Best regards,