we are currently looking for a new programming environment/libraries
to program experiments for cognitive psychology. Until today we are
working with DOS (full hardware control), but a transition to windows
is unavoidable ...
Okay, we need high precision timing, access to the parallel port
AND good control of the display/screen. I would like to ask especially
for the display issue some questions. Maybe someone can give
use the necessary information to opt for or against sfml.
We always need more than one graphics display, one visible, the
others virtual screens, sometimes called double buffering or page
flipping. All screens are fully prepared (rendered) before the presentation
starts to avoid any latencies due to time consuming graphics commands
or file access to load pictures or whatelse.
A typical instruction sequence looks like this (pseudo-code)
for ( trial=1; trial < maxtrials; trial++ ) {
prepare_all_screens() ;
Is it possible to have multiple virtual screens with sfml,
rendering to invisible screens, switching beween screens,
switching synchronized with the vertical retrace?
Thanx in advance - Sven