so i made a quick little pong game and made it networked, and it runs fine when i run the client and the server on one computer but when i run it on another computer on my local network it becomes horribly slow... we are talk about one pixle every five seconds (Thats really really slow lol)
I was wondering if there is some trick code that i am leaving out that makes the networked code run faster... kick of like the OptimizeForNonOpenGL() line with renderedwindow.
Any feed back on why my code runs soo slow over a local network would be great.
I know that IP/TCP is slower than UDP but i didn't think that sending the small packet like i am across would cause things to clog up as much as it does.
Here is my code for the pong game:
// Headers
#include <SFML/Network.hpp>
#include <SFML/Window.hpp>
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#define paddle_speed 2
#define ballspeed 0.3
struct data
float x;
float y;
int message;
sf::Packet& operator <<(sf::Packet& Packet, const data& C)
return Packet << C.x << C.y << C.message;
sf::Packet& operator >>(sf::Packet& Packet, data& C)
return Packet >> C.x >> C.y >> C.message;
/// Create a client and connect it to a running server
void DoClientTCP(unsigned short Port)
sf::RenderWindow app( sf::VideoMode( 800, 600 ),"Client", sf::Style::Resize );
app.SetBackgroundColor( sf::Color(0,0,0) );
sf::Image img;
sf::Image ball;
img.LoadFromFile( "left_paddle.png" );
ball.LoadFromFile( "ball.bmp" );
sf::Sprite spr[2];
sf::Sprite sprball;
spr[0].SetImage( img );
spr[0].SetPosition( 10.f , 10.f );
spr[1].SetImage( img );
spr[1].SetPosition( 790.f - spr[1].GetWidth(), 10.f );
spr[1].FlipX( true );
sprball.SetImage( ball );
sprball.SetPosition( 400.f, 300.f );
// Ask for server address
sf::IPAddress ServerAddress;
std::cout << "Type address or name of the server to connect to : ";
std::cin >> ServerAddress;
while (!ServerAddress.IsValid());
// Create a TCP socket for communicating with server
sf::SocketTCP Client;
// Connect to the specified server
if (!Client.Connect(Port, ServerAddress))
std::cout << "Connected to server " << ServerAddress << std::endl;
// Receive a message from the client
int ToSend = 0;
int Message = 0;
//std::size_t Received;
float ball_x = 400.f, ball_y = 300.f;
float ball_Xdelta = ballspeed, ball_Ydelta = ballspeed;
bool key = false;
bool running = true;
while( running )
if( app.GetInput().IsKeyDown( sf::Key::Down ) )
ToSend = 1;
spr[1].SetTop( spr[1].GetTop() + paddle_speed );
if( app.GetInput().IsKeyDown( sf::Key::Up ) )
ToSend = 2;
spr[1].SetTop( spr[1].GetTop() - paddle_speed );
if( !app.GetInput().IsKeyDown( sf::Key::Up ) && !app.GetInput().IsKeyDown( sf::Key::Down ) )
ToSend = 0;
if( app.GetInput().IsKeyDown( sf::Key::Escape ) )
running = false;
data send;
send.message = ToSend;
send.x = 0.0f;
send.y = 0.0f;
sf::Packet sendPacket;
sendPacket << send;
Client.Send( sendPacket );
//if (Client.Receive(Message, sizeof(Message), Received) != sf::Socket::Done)
sf::Packet dataPacket;
if( Client.Receive( dataPacket ) != sf::Socket::Done )
data dat;
if( !(dataPacket >> dat) )
std::cout << "ERROR" << std::endl;
ball_x = dat.x;
ball_y = dat.y;
Message = dat.message;
// move other players paddle
if( Message == 1 )
spr[0].SetTop( spr[0].GetTop() + paddle_speed );
if( Message == 2 )
spr[0].SetTop( spr[0].GetTop() - paddle_speed );
ball_x += ball_Xdelta;
ball_y += ball_Ydelta;
sprball.SetPosition( ball_x, ball_y );
app.Draw( sprball );
app.Draw( spr[1] );
app.Draw( spr[0] );
// Close the socket when we're done
/// Launch a server and wait for incoming connections
void DoServerTCP(unsigned short Port)
sf::RenderWindow app( sf::VideoMode( 800, 600 ),"Server", sf::Style::Resize );
app.SetBackgroundColor( sf::Color(0,0,0) );
sf::Image img;
sf::Image ball;
img.LoadFromFile( "left_paddle.png" );
ball.LoadFromFile( "ball.bmp" );
sf::Sprite spr[2];
sf::Sprite sprball;
spr[0].SetImage( img );
spr[0].SetPosition( 10.f , 10.f );
spr[1].SetImage( img );
spr[1].SetPosition( 790.f - spr[1].GetWidth(), 10.f );
spr[1].FlipX( true );
sprball.SetImage( ball );
sprball.SetPosition( 400.f, 300.f );
// Create a TCP socket for communicating with clients
sf::SocketTCP Server;
// Listen to a port for incoming connections
if (!Server.Listen(Port))
std::cout << "Server is listening to port " << Port << ", waiting for connections... " << std::endl;
// Wait for a connection
sf::IPAddress ClientAddress;
sf::SocketTCP Client;
if (Server.Accept(Client, &ClientAddress) != sf::Socket::Done)
std::cout << "Client connected : " << ClientAddress << std::endl;
// Send a message to the client
int ToSend = 0;
int Message = 0;
std::size_t Received;
float ball_x = 400.f, ball_y = 300.f;
float ball_Xdelta = ballspeed, ball_Ydelta = ballspeed;
bool key = false;
bool running = true;
if( app.GetInput().IsKeyDown( sf::Key::S ) )
ToSend = 1;
spr[0].SetTop( spr[0].GetTop() + paddle_speed );
if( app.GetInput().IsKeyDown( sf::Key::W ) )
ToSend = 2;
spr[0].SetTop( spr[0].GetTop() - paddle_speed );
if( !app.GetInput().IsKeyDown( sf::Key::W ) && !app.GetInput().IsKeyDown( sf::Key::S ) )
ToSend = 0;
if( app.GetInput().IsKeyDown( sf::Key::Escape ) )
running = false;
data dat;
dat.x = ball_x;
dat.y = ball_y;
dat.message = ToSend;
sf::Packet dataPacket;
dataPacket << dat;
Client.Send( dataPacket );
//Client.Send( ToSend, sizeof(ToSend) );
sf::Packet receivePacket;
if (Client.Receive(receivePacket) != sf::Socket::Done)
data rec;
receivePacket >> rec;
Message = rec.message;
//collision statements here
if( sprball.GetTop() < 0 || sprball.GetTop() > 600 )
ball_Ydelta = -ball_Ydelta;
if( sprball.GetLeft() + (sprball.GetHeight() / 2) < 20 && (spr[0].GetTop() < sprball.GetTop() +(sprball.GetHeight() / 2) && sprball.GetTop() + (sprball.GetHeight() / 2) < spr[0].GetTop() + spr[0].GetHeight() ) )
ball_Xdelta = -ball_Xdelta;
if( sprball.GetLeft() + (sprball.GetHeight() / 2) > 780 && ( spr[1].GetTop() < sprball.GetTop() + (sprball.GetHeight() / 2) && sprball.GetTop() + (sprball.GetHeight() / 2) < spr[1].GetTop() + spr[1].GetHeight() ) )
ball_Xdelta = -ball_Xdelta;
//end collision statements
// move other players paddle
if( Message == 1)
spr[1].SetTop( spr[1].GetTop() + paddle_speed );
if( Message == 2 )
spr[1].SetTop( spr[1].GetTop() - paddle_speed );
ball_x += ball_Xdelta;
ball_y += ball_Ydelta;
sprball.SetPosition( ball_x, ball_y );
app.Draw( sprball );
app.Draw( spr[1] );
app.Draw( spr[0] );
// Close the sockets when we're done