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Author Topic: Integration with winforms  (Read 2952 times)

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Integration with winforms
« on: August 06, 2011, 01:14:19 am »
Hi I'm making an editor for my SFML.Net game, and I was wondering how one would create a rendering environment in a winforms project?

I'd like to edit the maps in my game and see them at the same time. Presently I'm using GDI+ (paint events) to draw the map, but I feel like I'm reinventing the map drawing.

Is there any way? I didn't see a tutorial here,

Basically, I get a LoaderLock issue.

If I were to set a RenderWindow's target as a blank form, it's fine. But if the target is a component, it won't work. See, I need a renderwindow to point to a blank component, why? So that I have a mad editor component nestled in with other components that build up the game editor.

I can't use the main form as the render window, it won't work with the way I've planned things.