Hello. I just started out using the SFML package and I must say it really is charming even if it was a b*tch to setup. But I have now run into a problem I can't solve on my own.
The function "sf::RenderWindow::Clear()" refuses to work properly. I read about some error occuring when you try to clear the screen without anything on it. Therefore I tried to add a sprite to the screen before I ran it the first time, I had however the same result.
What happens is that once it comes to the function the window simply stops responding.
Im running Visual studio 2010 on Windows 7. I also use dual monitor if that could be causing any issues.
Would appreciate some help with this.
Also, even if I have the Event handler to close (App.Close()) the application when "Event.Type == sf::Event::Closed" I get an error message and a crash. Could this be windows b*tching? This is a minor problem tho. First thing first.
Thank you.