1. How do I lock an SFML window so it cannot be resized?
The third argument of constructor or Create function is the style, this is where you can disable borders and maximize buttons.
2. Is it possible to lock an SFML window so it can be resized, but only diagonally, or within certain limits (EG no bigger than 800x600 and no smaller than 400x500)? If so, how?
You can adjust the size of a window programatically (Window::SetSize)
after it is resized manually, but not during the resize operation.
3. If I do make an SFML window that is resizeable, what considerations must I take into account? How do I compensate?
What are you talking about?
4. Can I load models in SFML OpenGL?
5. Can SFML OpenGL save/create models? If so, how?
No, SFML has nothing for 3D.
6. How do I find the maximum (current) resolution of the user's screen?
Maximum and current are not the same thing
The maximum resolution is the first item in the list returned by VideoMode::GetFullscreenModes.
The current resolution is returned by VideoMode::GetDesktopMode.
7. Why is there an image resolution limit, if programs like paint, for example, can have larger (and stupidly large) resolutions than that?
Because an image in SFML is directly connected to an OpenGL texture so that it can be rendered -- and OpenGL textures have a maximum size (imposed by the graphics card driver).
1. Can SFML convert/save between different formats?
Yes. All the supported formats can be loaded and saved.
1. In simplistic terms, what is the 'nagle' problem?
This is rather the Nagle's
algorithm. It groups small packets so that they are sent together, which reduces the network overhead. The drawback is that it can create latency (because a small packet may not be sent immediately).
2. Is it possible to send files to other people using SFML?
2a. If so, how?
2b. What considerations do I need to take into account?
SFML allows you to send sequences of bytes, whether they are from a string message or a file doesn't really matter.
1. Is SFML (and the various systems it uses) permitted in it's licence to be sold commercially (as part of a software program)?
2. Does it require any modifications be made public or openly available?
1. Can SFML compress files?
No (although you can find such features hidden somewhere in the very first SVN revisions
2. Does SFML have any in-built AI or anything similar?
Absolutely not, SFML focuses on multimedia