I've recently done a C++ SFML project in which I was able to configure Font objects with custom unicode character sets with no problem. Now I'm using SFML in a .NET project and the same thing does not appear to work: the non-Latin-1 characters (specifically: Ű, Ő, ű, ő) are not rendered. The relevant C# code is as follows:
string hungChars = @"AÁBCDEÉFGHIÍJKLMNOÓÖŐPQRSTUÚÜŰVWXYZaábcdeéfghiíjklmnoóöőpqrstuúüűvwxyz0123456789.?!,:;-()";
SFML.Graphics.Font arial = new SFML.Graphics.Font(@"C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\arial.ttf", 48, hungChars);
String2D text = new String2D("Does this work? áéíóöőúüű ÁÉÍÓÖŐÚÜŰ", arial);
Am I getting something wrong here?
Thanks for your help in advance,