First of all, why isnt there a 64 bit linux binary download?
Because I have no 64 bits system to build it myself.
Ok, than if i send you a compiled version of libs for 64, you will put it on the download page? Cause, really, thats the way it should be
I have downloaded the source and tried to compile it, but i get an error
"None" is a member of sf::Blend, so you might have a bad versions of the SFML headers somewhere.
Ahh, yes..... i have dl-ed the lib again, and now i was able to compile it without any problems. And i remembered why it couldnt compile before. In WindowStyle.hpp, i commented the None from the enum. So yes, im pretty forgetful
The problem with the "None" is that i cant compile the project, because i get an error saying:
../SFML-1.3/include/SFML/Window/WindowStyle.hpp|39|error: expected identifier before numeric constant|
../SFML-1.3/include/SFML/Window/WindowStyle.hpp|39|error: expected `}' before numeric constant|
../SFML-1.3/include/SFML/Window/WindowStyle.hpp|39|error: expected unqualified-id before numeric constant|
../SFML-1.3/include/SFML/Window/WindowStyle.hpp|48|error: expected declaration before ‘}’ token|
||=== Build finished: 4 errors, 0 warnings ===|
this sounds to me like the "None" is already defined somewhere?
In anycase, after i change it, or comment it, there is an error in Drawable.hpp, and after i change that, everything compiles ok.
Can someone shed some light on this, please?