on the one hand, if you draw a simple line (x-axis) at P1(0, 0), P2(width, 0) there should be no line at all but the line appears at P1(0, 1), P2(width, 1). on the other hand, the line (y-axis) at P1(0,0), P2(0, height) is not shown, as supposed. if you move the line along the x-axis by 1 pixel, it gets visible.
another example:
x-axis line: P1(1,1), P2(width,1)
y-axis line: P1(1,1), P2(1,height)
you would expect both lines to be drawn in the first row (x-axis) and in the first column (y-axis) of the target. but the x-axis is drawn in the 2. row, thats the problem.
this happens only with RenderTexture. if you draw the same vertices directly to the window, everything is OK.