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Author Topic: Manage dynamic sprites on screen  (Read 3658 times)

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Manage dynamic sprites on screen
« on: January 21, 2012, 04:44:46 pm »
I'm enjoying with SFML and i was thinking about FPS and bullets. So i thought:
-player fires unknown number of bullets;
-all bullets must be destroyed or game will go in memory leak;
So i was learning about dynamic sprite on screen and deleting them after X coords reach App.Width/2.
My code works fine (i spent 2h to make it work), but my question is, there is better way to manage this problem or my code is already optimized?
Code: [Select]

#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <list>

int main()
sf::RenderWindow App(sf::VideoMode(800,600,32),"SFML AnimTest",sf::Style::Titlebar | sf::Style::Close);
sf::Event event;

sf::Texture bulletTexture;

sf::Sprite *bulletSpritePtr=NULL;

std::list<sf::Sprite *> bulletList;
std::list<sf::Sprite *>::const_iterator bulletIterator;

float speed = 400.0f;


float FPS = App.GetFrameTime() / 1000.f;

if (App.PollEvent(event))
if (event.Type == sf::Event::Closed || (event.Type == sf::Event::KeyPressed && event.Key.Code == sf::Keyboard::Escape))
if(event.Type == sf::Event::MouseButtonPressed && event.MouseButton.Button == sf::Mouse::Left){
bulletSpritePtr= new sf::Sprite(bulletTexture);

for (bulletIterator = bulletList.begin(); bulletIterator != bulletList.end(); bulletIterator++){
(**bulletIterator).Move(speed * FPS, 0);
if((**bulletIterator).GetPosition().x > App.GetWidth()/2)



if (!bulletList.empty())
for(bulletIterator = bulletList.begin(); bulletIterator != bulletList.end(); bulletIterator++)



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Manage dynamic sprites on screen
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2012, 07:03:31 pm »
I will never understand why so many people consider it a good idea to keep owning pointers in STL containers. More...

Concrete tips:
  • Just use std::list<sf::Sprite> or another container. No new and delete.
  • Don't declare variables before you need them, there's no reason for  event and bulletIterator to be outside the loop. Declare iterators directly in the for loop they are used.
  • As far as I see, bulletSpritePtr is completely useless.
  • The header <iostream> is unnecessary, too.
  • Prefer pre-increment (++bulletIterator) over post-increment (bulletIterator++)
  • You needn't check for empty(), since empty containers always have begin() == end().
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Manage dynamic sprites on screen
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2012, 07:22:23 pm »
Quote from: "Nexus"
I will never understand why so many people consider it a good idea to keep owning pointers in STL containers. More...

Concrete tips:
  • Just use std::list<sf::Sprite> or another container. No new and delete.
  • Don't declare variables before you need them, there's no reason for  event and bulletIterator to be outside the loop. Declare iterators directly in the for loop they are used.
  • As far as I see, bulletSpritePtr is completely useless.
  • The header <iostream> is unnecessary, too.
  • Prefer pre-increment (++bulletIterator) over post-increment (bulletIterator++)
  • You needn't check for empty(), since empty containers always have begin() == end().

Uhm i will try to change all code following your tips :)
PS: i've just compiled new SFML 2.0 and now i don't know how can i manage FPS, i see that GetFrameTime is no more a Window member function.


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Manage dynamic sprites on screen
« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2012, 07:26:18 pm »
Quote from: "TheEnigmist"

PS: i've just compiled new SFML 2.0 and now i don't know how can i manage FPS, i see that GetFrameTime is no more a Window member function.

Check here:


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Manage dynamic sprites on screen
« Reply #4 on: January 21, 2012, 07:54:56 pm »
Please use the forum instead of private messages, so that other people are also able to help or benefit from solutions.

Quote from: "TheEnigmist (by PM)"
I'm changing that example code following your tips, but i'm getting mad in my for cicle for move sprites.

i tried these: [...]
Code: [Select]
for (std::list<sf::Sprite>::const_iterator bulletIterator = bulletList.begin(); bulletIterator != bulletList.end(); ++bulletIterator){
bulletIterator->Move(speed * FPS.GetElapsedTime() /1000.f, 0.f);

All doesn't work :( Why?

And describe the problem better, "doesn't work" is close to useless. The shown approach is good, except that you can't modify the object via const_iterator.

But it looks like you're lacking some basic knowledge about the STL, I recommend to read the corresponding chapters in a good C++ book like the C++ primer. These are very important topics, you are going to work with the standard library again and again.
Zloxx II: action platformer
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Manage dynamic sprites on screen
« Reply #5 on: January 21, 2012, 08:10:12 pm »
Quote from: "Nexus"
Please use the forum instead of private messages, so that other people are also able to help or benefit from solutions.

Quote from: "TheEnigmist (by PM)"
I'm changing that example code following your tips, but i'm getting mad in my for cicle for move sprites.

i tried these: [...]
Code: [Select]
for (std::list<sf::Sprite>::const_iterator bulletIterator = bulletList.begin(); bulletIterator != bulletList.end(); ++bulletIterator){
bulletIterator->Move(speed * FPS.GetElapsedTime() /1000.f, 0.f);

All doesn't work :( Why?

And describe the problem better, "doesn't work" is close to useless. The shown approach is good, except that you can't modify the object via const_iterator.

But it looks like you're lacking some basic knowledge about the STL, I recommend to read the corresponding chapters in a good C++ book like the C++ primer. These are very important topics, you are going to work with the standard library again and again.

Sorry :(
Yeah, i need to read more about STL, the problem is that my teacher didn't spend much time on STL :(
I've solved the problem. It was the const_iterator. I'm so stupid :lol:
Right now i've Deitel&Deitel C++ book that i've used, is it good or i can burn it? :lol:

Working code if can help:
Code: [Select]
for (std::list<sf::Sprite>::iterator bulletIterator = bulletList.begin(); bulletIterator != bulletList.end(); ++bulletIterator){
bulletIterator->Move(speed * movement, 0.f);

movement is
Code: [Select]
float movement = clock.Restart().AsSeconds();

Thx for all your tips, hope can help to make me a better programmer :lol:

EDIT: nexus i changed the code following your tips, now it works but i want to know if you could give me more tips or this little code is "well-written"
Code: [Select]

#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include <list>

int main()
sf::RenderWindow App(sf::VideoMode(800,600,32),"SFML AnimTest",sf::Style::Titlebar | sf::Style::Close);

sf::Texture bulletTexture;

sf::Sprite bulletSprite(bulletTexture);

std::list<sf::Sprite> bulletList;

float speed = 400.0f;

sf::Clock clock;

float deltaMove = clock.Restart().AsSeconds();
sf::Event event;
if (App.PollEvent(event))
if (event.Type == sf::Event::Closed || (event.Type == sf::Event::KeyPressed && event.Key.Code == sf::Keyboard::Escape)){
if(event.Type == sf::Event::MouseButtonPressed && event.MouseButton.Button == sf::Mouse::Left){

for (std::list<sf::Sprite>::iterator bulletIterator = bulletList.begin(); bulletIterator != bulletList.end();){
bulletIterator->Move(speed * deltaMove, 0.f);



for(std::list<sf::Sprite>::const_iterator bulletIterator = bulletList.begin(); bulletIterator != bulletList.end(); ++bulletIterator)

