Only a few contains a thread number, many more of the search results on google contains only a post number...
I don't know how to translate them to the new forum URLs.
Can I help u my friend?

Its easy, we take the Example URL from before: see, we have one variable for the post Number and one sid that tell us maybe the thread ID of the
old forum, what we need is only the Post number. We get the Post number from the URL and insert
it in a Rediriction to a Link that looks like this:;p contains the ID from the Post, in our Example is p = 47498
Then the Link, looks like that:;And the rest makes the Forum Software, it searchs the Thread with the
Message ID 47498 and Show exactly the Place of the Post/Message that u searched for,
on your/our Browser...
If u want I can implement it in your Script...

With this you can point a Link to the right page on the New Forum, of course, on the french forum too...