I use this renderTexture as a cache for a histogram.
I could also save the values to a array, but then I'd have to redraw the complete image of the histrogram every frame / everytime a value changes.
I'd prefer removing one histogram bar, and drawing a new line at that place.
Should I use something else then a rendertexture maybe?
Is there no "Replace pixel values" blend mode?
I can see Alpha, Add, Multiply and None. But no "replace" or "set".
Ill go with the convert to image solution for now, thanks
Would it be a good idea to have a "Vertex[]", that contains all the lines,
then drawing that in one big batch to the texture?
So I only have to modify the endpoint of the line that changes in order to change one bar of the histogram.
Would that be faster than modifying the pixels directly everytime?
Oh and another related question:
When and why should I use VertexArray instead of Vertex[] ?