Well, the first paragraph of his post certainly applied (although on close examination of the contents of the console, it seems to be outputting information on Windows to me 0.o Thrown in are a several random ANSII symbols and a scattering of absolute file paths).
Damnit, I gotta get this damn AI recoded before the 15th... I didn't realize transitioning back into C++ would be so difficult, but then, I never bothered with anything besides Console programs before...
More random info:
-Running as a Win32 Console Program
-OS: Vista x64 Home Premium
-Using SFML 3.1
-Using VC++ 2008 Express
Damn it all to hell, I can't draw text either, it just crashes... >.< Also tried drawing in OpenGL, which just crashes. Mildly depressing, I really thought SFML lived up to its name in simplicity...
Anyone else out their w/ Vista x64, Vista x32, or XP x64 having these problems? Could it be OS/bit specific?