Exactly the same situation that I was in when I found SFML. I'd only just begun to program and between the two, SFML 2 looked a bit more complicated and back then, I was creating a game on a deadline, so I went with the easier option.
After using it for several months now, expanding that project, I've come to the end of that and I'm deciding to use SFML 2 when I start my new game. Andrei is right, SFML 2 is more advanced and when it comes down to when you need support, people mostly use SFML 2 now.
My recommendation is, use SFML 1.6 first, get used to programming for a few weeks with the simpler version, then when you're ready, move to SFML 2. As you'll have a bit more experience with working with SFML 1.6, it won't be as hard to migrate.