Ok, so first batch of questions.
a) Which version of SFML.Net to use?
I'm guessing I should be using the version of SFML.net located at github (
https://github.com/SFML/SFML.Net) instead of the release candidate (
http://www.sfml-dev.org/download/2.0-rc/SFML.Net-2.0-rc-windows.zip) as I would assume the release candidate is way out of date, and the github version is current?
b) Why the C version, and not the C++ version?
- SFML is primarily written in c++ (normal sfml)
- There's a binding in c (csfml)
- There's a binding in c# - and this uses the c binding?
So... why not use the normal c++ version?
c) Additional .dll files
So, as of SFML 2.0, I notice that 2 extra dll files are required:
libsndfile-1.dll and openal32.dll
Both for audio, right? And both are necessary for use of SFML 2.0?
d) For general use (ie. a game) I'm guessing I should be compiling the c# sfml dll files as Release x86?
(obviously don't want to compile them as Debug, and while it's nice that I can compile 64-bit versions, too, I imagine this would be dumb, as then people running 32-bit OS wouldn't be able to run them... lol)
e) As the .net version is just a binding, I need to include not only the .net sfml files, but also the normal sfml dll files, right? (8 dlls total, including libsndfile-1 and openal32)
Ok that'll do for now
Thanks for your time, effort and patience everyone!