Hello, first time posting here...
I'm a newbie in programming, haven't really completed any projects, besides really simple ones, I just did some testing and move on.
Anyway, I have this problem, I'm really annoyed by it and need help
I really can't figure it out myself, anyway, about the problem, first code, then the explanation.
bool collisionCheck( sf::FloatRect object1, sf::FloatRect object2 )
float left1, left2;
float right1, right2;
float top1, top2;
float bottom1, bottom2;
left1 = object1.left;
left2 = object2.left;
right1 = object1.left + object1.width;
right2 = object2.left + object2.width;
top1 = object1.top;
top2 = object2.top;
bottom1 = object1.top + object1.height;
bottom2 = object2.top + object2.height;
// Trivial rejections:
if (bottom1 < top2)
return true;
if (top1 > bottom2)
return true;
if (right1 < left2)
return true;
if (left1 > right2)
return true;
return false;
bool checkMovement()
if( Character.hasHitbox == false )
return false;
sf::FloatRect newPosRequest = Character.Hitbox;
if( EventAction == Right_Arrow || Left_Arrow || Up_Arrow || Down_Arrow )
switch( EventAction )
case Right_Arrow:
newPosRequest.left = newPosRequest.left + 5.0;
case Left_Arrow:
newPosRequest.left = newPosRequest.left - 5.0;
case Down_Arrow:
newPosRequest.top = newPosRequest.top + 5.0;
case Up_Arrow:
newPosRequest.top = newPosRequest.top - 5.0;
sf::FloatRect Temp;
bool blocked = false;
bool end = false;
int i = 0;
int i2 = Active_Map.SizeOf_Obstacles();
std::cout << "Checking collision for i = " << i << std::endl;
Temp = Active_Map.GetObstacleData( i );
blocked = collisionCheck( newPosRequest, Temp );
std::cout << "Blocked = " << blocked << std::endl;
if( blocked == true )
collisionDetected = true;
return true;
collisionDetected = false;
if( i = i2 )
end = true;
} while( end != true );
return false;
void movement()
bool blocked = checkMovement();
if( blocked == false )
sf::Vector2f newPosition = Character.Sprite.getPosition();
switch( EventAction )
case Right_Arrow:
newPosition.x = newPosition.x + 5.0;
case Left_Arrow:
newPosition.x = newPosition.x - 5.0;
case Down_Arrow:
newPosition.y = newPosition.y + 5.0;
case Up_Arrow:
newPosition.y = newPosition.y - 5.0;
Character.Sprite.setPosition( newPosition );
So, in here, Character is an object of my class for characters (duh), it's basicly a little class to put few sfml classes together to make it easier for me (Sprite, Texture, FloatRect, and a bool for hasHitbox - if hitbox exists (set in constructor))
In loop for this part of game called is movement(), I use mostly global variables (Bad, I know, don't hurt me),
And it should work like
- movement() starts
- bool blocked checks by calling checkMovement()
- rejection if there's no hitbox to check for, then continue (hitbox is off unless creating with texture)
- EventAction is an enum that holds the event in a more friendly for me way (Again, global variable)
- Get Hitbox from the character and apply the offset for it like movement would happen
- Active_Map is active map, it's a texture + vector for sf::FloatRect for holding obstacles - Active_Map.Sizeof obstacles returns size of the said vector
- then it enters collisionCheck in a loop (temp values, checking for every obstacle in a loop and seeing if there has been a true value for any
- collisionDetected is another global (only for me, program doesn't really use it and it'll be deleted later on)
Point is, when I start it up, with
Data used - Object 1 Hitbox:
- top - 100.0
- left - 100.0
- width - 50.0
- height - 50.0
Data used - Object 2 Obstacle:
- top - 600.0
- left - 1200.0
- width - 100.0
- height - 100.0
It always give out a true, even though they do not collide
Help? Anyone?