I discovered some things about SFML's fullscreen command via experimentation.
Tower PC's monitor = 1680 x 1050 native resolution. Win7's resolution set to that.
Laptop's screen .... = 1280 x 800 native resolution. Vista's resolution set to that.
SFML statement:
App.create(sf::VideoMode(1440, 900, 32), "CRAPS", sf::Style::Fullscreen);
Tower PC:
=GOOD= Loading a 1440 x 900 image, the image is expanded to 1680 x 1050 and fits perfectly on the fullscreen.
= BAD = Loading a 1024 x 768 image, the image is NOT expanded and remains at 1024 x 768 on screen.
............. Why doesn't the image get expanded to 1200 x 900 to fill the screen vertically with black bars on the sides?
= BAD = Loading a 1440 x 900 image, the image displays full screen but the image size remains at 1440 x 900. Therefore the right and bottom sides of the image are cut off, since the laptop's screen size is smaller than the image size.
............. IOW, the larger image is not resized down to fit the smaller screen when using the Fullscreen command.
= BAD = Loading a 1024 x 768 image, the image is NOT expanded and remains at 1024 x 768 on screen.
............. Same symptom as on the tower's monitor.
I don't see how it's possible to use SFML's "Fullscreen" command to resize one image to fit different sizes and aspect ratios of screens. Am I doing something wrong? If you know why, please let me know.