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Author Topic: Now (Just about) ready for SFML  (Read 2240 times)

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Now (Just about) ready for SFML
« on: April 14, 2013, 11:45:05 pm »
Hello everyone, just in case you see questions from me i should explain my reason for posting here.

I have tried unsuccessfully before to use SFML in a project to write a simple 2d game.  :-[

The problem was before that I did not know enough basic C++ and so of course I could not use this 'third party' library properly. I had to spend a lot of time studying the basics. I still have a lot of standard C++ to study but at least now I have a much better understanding of some standard C++ than before and feel that using SFML will be very educational to me for this particular genre of programming.

From my learning experience so far I have found that it is very very difficult to learn C++ without writing - or trying to write real programs. Doing exercises from textbooks have helped but i need to do a project to help me pull everything together and learn a little bit more. Once I finish this project, hopefully i will be able to go on and do something completely different and a little bit more challenging.

I have never attempted to write a simple game before and am hoping this will be a great learning experience as well as fun for me.

My goal is to use C++ and SFML to write a simple clone of space invaders. I am doing it to help in my study of C++, it is supposed to be fairly simple to implement and because it has always been one of my favourite games.  I am hoping to apply some of the things that I have learned so far: Especially writing user defined classes, inheritance, virtual functions and using object oriented design methodology as best i can. I am hoping my project will push me into studying new areas of C++ as well as applying what i have learned so far.

By the time I finish my project, I do not expect to be a master programmer! But if I learn a few new things or just understand an important concept or two in a clearer way - it will be worth the effort for me.

Kind Regards. 


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Re: Now (Just about) ready for SFML
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2013, 01:25:28 am »

It's nice to see you spend so many thoughts before approaching bigger projects. And it's remarkable that you have returned to learning pure C++ before SFML, most people tend to overestimate themselves in the beginning :)

As you say, you certainly need to have some practice in order to learn C++. A project like Space Invaders is ideal -- the game itself is not very complex, so you can focus on the code. You won't handle everything perfectly the first time, but it's interesting to ask yourself afterwards what you would have done differently, and apply those insights to the next project.
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Re: Now (Just about) ready for SFML
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2013, 04:21:33 am »
Like nexus said, welcome to the community! It's very important that you learn C++ basics, so be sure that's your top priority. Anyways, glad to see you wanting to learn and if you ever need any help feel free to make a post. Once you're done, it'd be neat for you to post the game under the projects. P.S. Posting your project is the best way to learn more, so experts like nexus can correct you on everything :P.
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