I am having a very similar problem to this, as well.
I followed the same Code::Blocks tutorial and I'm also using the sample code provided in that tutorial. I've made sure all the compiler and linker settings are correct many many times, yet I still can't get it to run correctly.
The only difference is that I've installed the
Windows 32 bits - GCC SJLJ (Code::Blocks) version of C++ SFML 2.0 RC. When I run, the console displays no output and this (
http://i.imgur.com/M5UadiF.png) occurs. If I close the program before that error window shows, the program returns with status -1073741819. If I wait and press Close Program, it returns with 255.
I can make a separate thread with more information if necessary, but I'm sure both Atifhossain and I would appreciate some help on this one.