Finally had some time to help you out. And maybe others as well!
There are at least two ways that I can think of to build using DSFML. One is to include the source files directly when building your program. Currently, this isn't a big deal as all of the library is included in the 5 modules, but with the new version of DSFML in production which breaks up the code in to smaller source files this will cause the full command line to be quite ridiculous if you build this way. The way I prefer to build the library is by first compiling the DSFML source as a static library, and then using that when building your actual application.
You'll have to forgive me as I am assuming you are using Windows(though it appears that SFML has pretty large Linux and Mac communities as well though) so if you happen to be using a different OS then you'll have to change the extensions to those you actually use.
To build DSFML as a static library, I have used the following command line.
dmd -lib "dsfml\audio.d" "dsfml\graphics.d" "dsfml\network.d" "dsfml\window.d" "dsfml\system.d" "-ofdsfml.lib"
This produces the dsfml.lib file.
I whipped up a little Hello World of sorts for you to test if you'd like. I named it main.d.
module main;
import std.stdio;
void main(string[] args)
RenderWindow testWindow = new RenderWindow(VideoMode(800,600), "Hello DSFML!");
CircleShape awesomeCircleShape = new CircleShape(10);
awesomeCircleShape.fillColor = Color.Red;
awesomeCircleShape.position = Vector2f(300,100);
Event event;
if(event.type == Event.Closed)
I have put the dsfml, csfml-system, csfml-window, and csfml-graphics lib files in the same directory as main.d and then I use this command line to build.
dmd main.d csfml-system.lib csfml-window.lib csfml-graphics.lib dsfml.lib "-Isrc" "-ofoutput\helloworld.exe"
"-Isrc" uses the -I compiler switch, which will have the compiler search through the directory named src(which you can replace with the location of the dsfml folder that contains the source files) when it encounters an import statement. I also use the -of switch that stands for output file. The full switch "-ofoutput\helloworld.exe" creates the folder "output" and placed the compiled program helloworld.exe in it. As long as the necessary .dll files are with the .exe your program should be able to run! If you don't want to place the .lib files in the same directory as main.d, or any other source file for that matter, you can put the full location of the lib file in quotes. For example: "C:\Users\Jebbs\Downloads\DSFML\DSFML Libs\csfml-system.lib"
You should be able use this as a starting point to(hopefully) build anything else you need using DSFML. If you'd like any other explanations or more info feel free to ask! I check these forums several times a day,unless work is very busy, and I idle in the irc.