I would like to share with the SFML community the project I've been working for the past week.
It's a library for C# project that makes use of both Tiled and SFML.
This project carries the following goals:
- Load a .tmx file (what Tiled uses to save/load maps) in a fast and reliable way.
- Organize data in an intuitive way.
- Make it simple as possible for use in projects.
Important: the library right now only accepts .tmx formats with layers configured for CSV.
It can be used as a general-purpose library (in other words, with another frameworks), but I'm trying to make it even simpler for SFML users, so you can make your tiles and have each layer build as a SFML Sprite for you. Not much, it's really the only specialty right now. However, I hope to have more ideas as the project evolves and it's free to anyone to contribute.
Also, builds for Linux and Mac throught Mono is something I will look forward to after it turns in a solid release.
If you are interested, check the
GitHub project on
There's a
How-To Guide if you want to set up in your project and test it
Windows beta release is on
I hope that can help a lot of people.