As this is the only way to know the limit of sound sources in OpenAL as far as I know.
A Sound::GetLimit() or GetMaxSounds() static would be nice, but there is no nice way to do it.
Maybe getting as much sources as possible, , and after they fail or not, free them, keeping the count.
(This should be capped to a realistic number like 128 and 256 for OpenAL implementations that do not impose a limit).
At least a Sound::IsOk()/IsValid() (non-static).
Avoiding the errors on cout/cerr that say alGenSources failed will be nice (at least not for the first failure)
It's crucial to make a good sound priority manager which has to get the most sounds possible.
EDIT: ditch this. I'm rewriting sf::Sound as "ManagedSound" and making a manager with direct calls to OpenAL. Thanks