I was playing around with JSFML (nice work btw), and was trying to draw a grid of quads (in a vertex array) to the screen. The idea was to be a virtual terminal, where each quad's texture coordinates would index into the a font's texture using glyph texture-bounds.
Unfortunately, I can't draw very many quads due (from what I can tell) to the SFMLNativeDrawer.MAX_VERTICES limit of 1024. I get an IndexOutOfBoundsException and the stack trace leads me there.
For example, about 12600 quads of 17x17 (size determined by font measurement) fit a 1280*720 display. That's about 50k vertices.
That seems like a lot I guess; maybe there's a better way to do this. I haven't tried RectangleShapes, but I imagine 12k draw calls is a rather bad idea. Maybe I can use jogl/lwjgl? I'm new to Java so I don't know the lay of the land yet.
Woops. The example was off. For 17x17, that's 3150 quads resulting in 12600 verts. Still over the limit.