Questions for Laurent:
1) What are your own steps for building
openal32.dll and
libsndfile-1.dll in
2) Why are
libOpenAL32.a and
libsndfile.a in
extlibs\libs-mingw\x86 named like static libraries but are actually import libraries?
Suggestion: how about an SFML-deps source package?
Now for the rationale about the questions.
PREPARING THE BUILD ENVIRONMENTThe download package "GCC 4.7 MinGW (DW2) - 32 bits" is targeted at GCC 4.7, which I unfortunately can't use because I have 2 other libraries that won't compile with it - but that do compile just fine with MinGW's pre-packaged repository packages which ship GCC 4.6.2. My environment is as vanilla as it gets:
- I installed MinGW using mingw-get-inst-20120426.exe and chose "Use pre-packaged repository catalogues 20120426" when prompted to do so during installation.
- I installed MinGW to C:\MinGW.
- I chose the following components during installation: "C Compiler", "C++ Compiler", and "MinGW Developer ToolKit".
- I added C:\MinGW\bin to my PATH environment variable, and rebooted.
I then downloaded the SFML 2.1 sources and decided to replace the bundled openal32.dll, libsndfile-1.dll, libOpenAL32.a, and libsndfile.a with my own rebuilt binaries.
GTK+ project and put the contents of the extracted bin folders in C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\bin.
2) Download the libsndfile dependencies (flac-1.3.0.tar.xz,, and and extract them, then run MSYS and compile them:
./configure --prefix=/mingw
make && make install
./configure --prefix=/mingw
make && make install
./configure --prefix=/mingw
make && make install
3) Download libsndfile (libsndfile-1.0.25.tar.gz) and , extract it, run MSYS and compile it:
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/mingw/lib/pkgconfig"
./configure --enable-shared --disable-static --prefix=/mingw
make && make install
Now we have libsdnfile (and its dependencies) neatly built and ready to use in C:\MinGW\bin, C:\MinGW\include and C:\MinGW\lib. In particular we now have libsndfile-1.dll and libsndfile.dll.a.
Hmm, there's a bunch of new DLLs in C:\MinGW\bin: libogg-0.dll, libvorbis-0.dll, libvorbisfile-3.dll, libvorbisenc-2.dll, libFLAC-8.dll, libFLAC++-6.dll, and libsndfile-1.dll. Let's delete them because we don't need them (or is it) - nah, let's just move them somewhere else. We could need them in the future!
Now let's compile OpenAL32.dll.
1) Download
dsound.h (I guess MinGW can't bundle it) and copy it to C:\MinGW\include.
2) Download the OpenAL Soft source code (openal-soft-1.15.1.tar.bz2) and extract it somewhere.
3) Build it with CMake GUI as usual, clicking Configure then choosing MinGW Makefiles and Use default native compilers.
Now we have OpenAL32.dll and libOpenAL32.dll.a.
Notice that we have libsndfile.dll.a and libOpenAL32.dll.a rather than libsndfile.a and libOpenAL32.a which are found in the extlibs\libs-mingw\x86 folder in SFML's source distribution - should we have compiled them as static libraries rather than DLLs? But, let's move on.
BUILDING SFMLLet's download the SFML 2.1 source package (, extract them to C:\TEMP and build it with CMake GUI as usual, clicking Configure then choosing MinGW Makefiles and Use default native compilers.
I clicked Browse Source... and pointed it to C:/TEMP/SFML-2.1-Release
I clicked Browse Build... and pointed it to C:/TEMP/SFML-2.1-Release-build
I clicked CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX and pointed it to C:/TEMP/SFML-2.1-Release-dist
Replace the original OpenAL32.dll and libOpenAL32.dll.a. files in extlibs\bin\x86 with the ones you just built.
Also copy libsndfile.dll.a and libOpenAL32.dll.a to extlibs\libs-mingw\x86.
Run cmd to open a command prompt, cd to C:\TEMP\SFML-2.1-sources\SFML-2.1-Release-build, run mingw32-make - boom, it doesn't build. But that's easily fixed: just delete libOpenAL32.a and libsndfile.a in extlibs\libs-mingw\x86, then rename libsndfile.dll.a to libsndfile.a and libOpenAL32.dll.a to libOpenAL32.a, and finally try building again with mingw32-make. Success! Run mingw32-make install and take a look at C:\TEMP\SFML-2.1-sources\SFML-2.1-Release-dist after it's finished. Done! We'll copy the DLLs to C:\MinGW\bin so that they can be found by any application that needs them.
Now let's test the shiny library we just built. I compiled a little game I have that plays an .ogg file... oh no, the application refuses to run because it can't find libvorbisenc-2.dll! Luckily we didn't delete this DLL and its friends, we just moved them somewhere else. Let's put them back in C:\MinGW\bin and try again... Now my game runs AND plays the .ogg file!
THE GOTCHAHmm, but when I use the
binary distribution I don't need libvorbisenc-2.dll (it's not even present in the ZIP).
Also, the bundled libsndfile-1.dll is noticeably bigger than the one I built myself - 2.16 vs 1.73 MB.
How come? Were libvorbisenc-2.dll and other libraries "fused" into libsndfile-1.dll as per
this FAQ entry?
Sorry for the long message. I'm just curious, and would really really like to know how SFML's dependencies are built in order to build my own package.