I made a game in sfml 2.0 using codeblocks and mingw 4.7.2. It runs fine in my computer but when I run it on other computers, it doesn't run. also, if I debug it on other computers, i get these:
#0 004565B6 sf::SoundBuffer::SoundBuffer(this=0x402b01) (C:\SFML-2.1\src\SFML\Audio\SoundBuffer.cpp:42)
#1 00402BBA __static_initialization_and_destruction_0(__initialize_p=1, __priority=65535) (D:\CodeBlocks\SFML 2.0\Games\Pong_Final\main.cpp:41)
#2 00402C16 _GLOBAL__sub_I_WINDOW_CAPTION() (D:\CodeBlocks\SFML 2.0\Games\Pong_Final\main.cpp:219)
#3 0046225F __do_global_ctors() (../mingw/gccmain.c:59)
#4 00401098 __mingw_CRTStartup() (../mingw/crt1.c:236)
#5 00401284 mainCRTStartup() (../mingw/crt1.c:264)
Also I get this message:
Program recieved SIGSEGV, segmentation fault.
Can anyone explain what's the problem?
I just realized that if I recompile my code in another computer and then run .exe, it runs correctly. But without recompiling, it doesn't run.