Hey guys the following below are the codes I have for Client and Sever. I would like for the client to send a request containing the message "Client " to a first server. This first server adds to this message the word
“Server1 " and sends it to the client. The client then sends the message received from the first server to a second server. The second server adds the message "Server2" and sends back the message to the client. The final message that reaches the client should be "Client Server1 Server2". And I am lost as in how to make the server reply back cause the server code if you see below is for a echo server. I know the code im running below is right cause I tested it where the client sends a message and the server replies the same message back
Client code:
import java.net.*; import java.io.*;public class UDPClient
{ public static void main
(String args
[]) { // args[0] = message to be sent to the server; // args[1] = IP address of the server DatagramSocket aSocket
=null; try { aSocket
=new DatagramSocket(); byte [] m
= args
getBytes(); InetAddress aHost
= InetAddress.
[1]); int serverPort
= 6789; DatagramPacket request
= new DatagramPacket(m,args
length(), aHost, serverPort
); aSocket.
); byte[] buffer
= new byte[1000]; DatagramPacket reply
= new DatagramPacket(buffer,buffer.
length); aSocket.
); System.
println("Reply: " + new String(reply.
0, reply.
getLength())); }catch (SocketException e
println("Socket: " + e.
getMessage()); }catch (IOException e
println("IO: " + e.
getMessage()); }finally { if(aSocket
!= null) aSocket.
close(); } }} Server Code:
import java.net.*; import java.io.*;public class UDPServer
{ public static void main
(String args
[]) { DatagramSocket aSocket
= null; try{ aSocket
= new DatagramSocket(6789); byte[] buffer
= new byte[1000]; while(true){ DatagramPacket request
= new DatagramPacket(buffer,
); System.
println("Server is ready and waiting for requests ... "); DatagramPacket reply
= new DatagramPacket(request.
getData(), request.
getLength(), request.
getAddress(), request.
getPort()); aSocket.
); } }catch (SocketException e
println("Socket: " + e.
getMessage()); }catch (IOException e
) {System.
println("IO: " + e.
getMessage()); }finally { if(aSocket
!= null) aSocket.
close(); } }}