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Author Topic: Issues displaying sprites after Xcode 5.1 update  (Read 2653 times)

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Issues displaying sprites after Xcode 5.1 update
« on: March 27, 2014, 04:25:12 am »
I can't figure this out for the life of me – my project was 100% fine until after installing the new templates (w/ clang). My project wouldn't build after the Xcode 5.1 update released a few weeks ago – through research I found that I had to recreate my project and through frustration I simply did that by recreating the files and pasting the code into a command line template project. Now I am having an issue with (some) sprites displaying.

Example: My player fires a bullet. Sometimes the texture is loaded to the bullet, sometimes it is not (white square), sometimes it is a gray line (?).

Here is a gif to show you exactly what I'm referring to:

the blinking spike is the texture that should be loaded ... as you can see, the texture is sometimes failing to load. I have other sprites, such as the player and enemy which don't fail at all:

I'm using a Textures class which holds a container for all the sprites to retrieve as reference:

namespace Textures
    struct TextureObject
        std::string t_name;
        sf::Texture t_texture;
    class TextureContainer
        void AddTexture(std::string textureFile);
        void TextureList();
        sf::Texture& SetTexture(std::string temp_name);
        std::vector<TextureObject*> textureVector;
    typedef std::vector<TextureObject*> ::iterator textureIter;


#include "Textures.h"
#include "ResourcePath.hpp"

namespace Textures{
    void TextureContainer::AddTexture(std::string textureFile)
        TextureObject* newTexture;
        newTexture = new TextureObject;
        newTexture->t_texture.loadFromFile("/Users/darionmccoy/Desktop/Dooberry/Platformer/Platformer/" + (textureFile));
        newTexture->t_name = textureFile;
    void TextureContainer::TextureList()
        std::cout << "Loaded textures ..." << std::endl;
        for (textureIter it = textureVector.begin(); it != textureVector.end(); it++)
            std::cout << (*it)->t_name << std::endl;
    sf::Texture& TextureContainer::SetTexture(std::string temp_name)
        for (textureIter it = textureVector.begin(); it != textureVector.end(); it++)
            if((*it)->t_name == temp_name)
                return (*it)->t_texture;
            else if(it == textureVector.end() && (*it)->t_name != temp_name)
                std::cout << "Texture not found" << std::endl;

Example of how the texture is set (the bullet):
Projectile::Projectile(Textures::TextureContainer& t_container) : Object (t_container)
        Object::objectSprite.setTextureRect(sf::IntRect(0, 0, 25, 8));

And the enemy:
Grunt::Grunt(Textures::TextureContainer& t_container) : Object (t_container)
        objectSprite.setTextureRect(sf::IntRect (0,0,20,30));
        objectSprite.setPosition((rand() % 300 + 100),0);

I would think it is a constructor issue, but I am at a loss what to change since they are all  initialized the same way (polymorphism).

I have 0 errors or warnings. Also, I'm on Osx 10.9.2 and Xcode 5.1. Thanks in advanced guys ... in the meantime, I'll try to get some clues.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2014, 04:33:14 am by Noirad88 »
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Re: Issues displaying sprites after Xcode 5.1 update
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2014, 04:31:28 am »
Just so happened to comment out the code which animates the bullets and the texture doesn't fail as long as it doesn't change frame? This is sort of weird since the player and enemy are animated the same way ... Here is the projectile update() function which animates the bullet (all objects are in a container, which calls their update function to move, animate, etc). I blocked out the animation portion:

void Projectile::Update(Level::LevelContainer& Lvl, Textures::TextureContainer& tbox, Container& PC)
        sf::Time time = clock.getElapsedTime();
        sf::Time frameChange = sf::milliseconds(30);
        if(time >= frameChange)
            Object::objectSprite.setTextureRect(sf::IntRect(frame * 25, 0, 25, 8));
            time = clock.restart();
            if(frame == 3)
                frame = 0;


        if(velX < 0)
            objectSprite.setTextureRect(sf::IntRect(25, 0, -25, 8));
        if(objectSprite.getPosition().x >= 400 || objectSprite.getPosition().x <= 100)
            for(int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
                itemQueue particles;
                particles.iposX = objectSprite.getPosition().x;
                particles.iposY = objectSprite.getPosition().y;
                particles.itemType = "Particle";
            itemQueue bomb;
            bomb.iposX = objectSprite.getPosition().x;
            bomb.iposY = objectSprite.getPosition().y;
            bomb.itemType = "Cluster";
            Object::misDestroyed = true;
« Last Edit: March 27, 2014, 04:34:21 am by Noirad88 »
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Re: Issues displaying sprites after Xcode 5.1 update
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2014, 09:48:02 am »
Can you show a minimal and complete example that reproduces the problem?

By the way, you should avoid new/delete if it's not necessary. Use unique_ptr or no pointers at all. See here for more information.
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Re: Issues displaying sprites after Xcode 5.1 update
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2014, 02:27:01 pm »
Sure thing, sorry about that – i will post an example later as I'm at work now.

Yeah, my object container uses smart pointers, been meaning to change the textures. Thanks for the reminder/heads up.
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Re: Issues displaying sprites after Xcode 5.1 update
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2014, 11:30:33 pm »
After creating a small example I couldn't recreate the problem, so I knew it had to be something in my code – after a while I figured it out. Xcode didn't like me creating the variable for the frame uninitialized (I had 'int frame' as opposed to 'int frame = 0'); it was setting it to some crazy numbers sometimes, thus displaying frames that didn't exist. This was never a problem before so I guess i'll just have to keep this in mind from now on. If anyone has any insight on this, that be great. Otherwise, thanks for reading guys.
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Re: Issues displaying sprites after Xcode 5.1 update
« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2014, 12:47:41 am »
That's just the difference between declaration and initialization. A declared variable can be set to a default value like 0, but the standard doesn't enforce it. So it is best to initialize a variable explicitly instead of relying on some compiler's indivual behavior  ;)


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Re: Issues displaying sprites after Xcode 5.1 update
« Reply #6 on: March 30, 2014, 01:16:57 am »
Gotcha ... I assumed it was automatically initialized to '0' when declaring without initializing. I was using GCC before the update so that makes sense. Thanks!
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Re: Issues displaying sprites after Xcode 5.1 update
« Reply #7 on: March 30, 2014, 11:41:18 am »
I assumed it was automatically initialized to '0' when declaring without initializing.
That's only true for static and global variables.

In general, you should initialize variables in C++ immediately. Code such as
int i;
i = 7;
or even worse
int i = 0;
... // do something without using i
i = 7;
should be avoided at all costs.
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Re: Issues displaying sprites after Xcode 5.1 update
« Reply #8 on: April 01, 2014, 12:06:54 am »
A major detail I was unaware of. Thanks! i'll definitely keep that in mind.
twitter/tumblr: @darionmccoy