Hey altogether,
I'm building a game Engine using SFML called TweekEngine.
If somebody knows South Park The Stick Of Truth, this is how it looks and works.
As a big South Park Fan I'm rebuilding the Engine behind this mindblowing-good game developed by Obsidian.
Click here for an imageThe IdeaRebuilding the Stick of Truth Engine with SFML and .NET
The ProjectI'm programming in VB.NET and using SFML for all the grsphics.
I made a Sprite3D class, that allows me having South Park Styled 3D in my SFML environment.
The Game flow itself relies on a scripting language called TweakedJs that I developed to involve students into programming at our "Project days" at school (older students can make projects and teach other students for two days)
I developed a Plugin for TweekdJs, that adds SFML to TweakedJs.
The Resources can be made using my GameManager IDE.
ImagesStarting ScreenMenu ScreenFeatures2D Map2D Tile Management and 2D TexturesPlayer and MovementHead Up Display2.5D Graphics5+1 DTS SoundResource ManagerScripting LanguageGame FlowMenu ScreensPhysicsNPC PlayersRPG-ClassesFightingScrollingVideo PlaybackColors:
implemented, stable;
implemented, unstable;
not fully implemented;
not implementedStatsI've written more than 4000 lines of code until now.
More Project Updates will follow soon.
Download will be once available on
PS: The title is a word play on the South Park Character
Tweek (In my Wiki!), who's known to be fast and hyperactive.