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Author Topic: [SOLVED] Possible Linking Error - sf::Text causing crash on some systems  (Read 1652 times)

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My post from another thread:
I apologise in advance, I'm rather uninformed when it comes to linking in general and I dug around for the thread that led me to believe dynamic linking is the issue: http://en.sfml-dev.org/forums/index.php?topic=3976.0

Basically my issue matches up closely with the 3rd post (2nd reply), being that my app runs and closes fine on my desktop and several of my friends' but crashes on my own laptop and college's desktop computers, both of which use use Intel's integrated graphics processors, when I close the application. Notably that thread is about an SFML 2 issue and this is about  SFML 2.1.

If I use some sf::Text features (I have yet to try with minimal code, I'll do that soon) my application crashes on some devices. After a small amount of experimentation and looking around it seems likely to be linked to the issue in the link above (http://en.sfml-dev.org/forums/index.php?topic=3976.0). This started after I switched from Code::Blocks to VS2013. Yes, I did compile SFML again for VS 12.0 from the source available on the github repo.

Any help is appreciated!

EDIT: Sorry if I've annoyed anyone with this, but the issue has turned out to be something with my code, likely due to something unrelated to graphics hardware and more specific to std::string stuff.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2014, 07:22:28 pm by DxE »

