So I'm completely new to development in Windows, and aside from a new found gratitude to whoever invented package managers, I've run into some trouble trying to compile against the static libs.
Using Visual Studio Express 2013 and the `Visual C++ 11 (2012) - 32 bits` version of SFML.
I can compile it normally just fine, but when I add SFML_STATIC and change the linker options to sfml-xxx-s-d.lib then I get a bunch of these errors:
Error 1 error LNK2038: mismatch detected for '_MSC_VER': value '1700' doesn't match value '1800' in Source.obj
Error 29 error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) class std::basic_ostream<char,struct std::char_traits<char> > & __cdecl std::endl(class std::basic_ostream<char,struct std::char_traits<char> > &)" (__imp_?endl@std@@YAAAV?$basic_ostream@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@1@AAV21@@Z)
What am I doing wrong?