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Author Topic: Checking if mouse is on the texture.  (Read 1405 times)

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Checking if mouse is on the texture.
« on: April 05, 2015, 12:49:53 am »
Hello, one of Forum users told me to creat this topic.
So as i said befor the problem is with code :
void MainMenu::Update(FrameWork &frame, sf::RenderWindow &updatetarget, float frametime)
        if (button[0].getGlobalBounds().contains(sf::Mouse::getPosition(updatetarget).x, sf::Mouse::getPosition(updatetarget).y) &&
                (button[0].getColor() != sf::Color::Red))
                playselect = true;
        else if (!button[0].getGlobalBounds().contains(sf::Mouse::getPosition(updatetarget).x, sf::Mouse::getPosition(updatetarget).y)
                && (button[0].getColor() == sf::Color::White))
                playselect = false;

The if ( statement was closed, it wasn't the reason, i've misscopied that. Sorry for my mistake.
I can read error i'm just begining with SFML.
Error in MainMenu.cpp is
I've checked the type that contains method returns, and it's boolean, so if i the mouse is on the texture displayed on the window, it should return true and check the color of the texture - correct me if my logic is wrong. :)

see reference to function template instantiation 'bool sf::Rect<float>::contains(T,T) const' being compiled
1>          with
1>          [
1>              T=float
1>          ]

but on the error list i can see also this one :
syntax error : '::'
'(' : illegal token on right side of '::'
Those two redirect me to SFML library - Rect.inl

Also i'll land a screenshot of my VS.


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Re: Checking if mouse is on the texture.
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2015, 04:26:47 pm »
Please if someone could close this topic. I've found answere here :

Binary1248 has answered. Thanks a lot. :)