Hey all!
Rephrased issue:
If the sequence of keys being pressed (and held) is Up + Left + Space or Left + Up + Space; the Space key press isn't recorded. If it's something like Up + Right + Space or Right + Down + Space it's fine.
Tested on my current project, and also the code used in the "Game from Scratch: Pang in C++" tutorial.
(Original question:)
/* I'm getting a strange read on some of the input key events, as in when I press a key, it's seen as an event, then the release is seen as an event, but then there's one more event. I implemented a keyToString function to output these keys.
/When I press A, I get A, F13, then A again. (0, 97)
B -> B, F14, B (1, 98)
C -> C, F15, C (2, 99)
D -> D, Pause, D (3, 100)
Return -> Return, N, Return (58, 13)
The numbers in the bracket are the enumerator indices related to the keys as specified by the documentations:
http://www.sfml-dev.org/documentation/2.0/classsf_1_1Keyboard.phpI don't think all the keys do this, but these are some of the ones I tested out.
What I don't understand is, what does the event type does the middle key represent? */
Thanks in advance!