Hello all
I've just installed TDM GCC 32 with gcc 5.1.0. Some of my SFML apps still work, but some are refusing to compile, with helpful comments like
D:\SFML-2.3\lib\libsfml-graphics-s-d.a(VertexArray.cpp.obj)||duplicate section `.rdata$_ZTVN2sf8DrawableE[__ZTVN2sf8DrawableE]' has different size
and the exact same message for Text Sprite and Shape.
and about 15 build messages like
artPuzzle_dev.cpp|157|undefined reference to `sf::Font::loadFromFile(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)' -
these errors seem to relate to my use of #defines to save having to write tedious pathnames all the time, BUT when I directly inserted the pathname in the loadFromFile function for example it still doesn't work.
I am using code::blocks as my IDE on a 64 bit W7 machine. All other programs in C++ work fine.
I have checked all my libraries and settings in CB. But like I say, these apps were all working yesterday!
Any help would be much appreciated.